Would you like to know more about the history of Merton? Discover more at our monthly talks.

These FREE events run from 10.30am to 12noon at West Barnes Library


You can book a place via:



The 2025 programme is as follows:

21 January: The Wandle and its Water. Speaker: Mick Taylor, Wandle Industrial Museum


18 February: William Kilburn: Botanical illustrator and eminent calico printer. Speaker: Alison Cousins, Wandle Industrial Museum.


18 March: Josephine Butler: The most distinguished Englishwoman. Speaker: Sarah Gould, Merton Heritage Service.

15 April: Borough 22 to Merton 2025: 60 Years of a London Borough. Speaker: Sarah Gould, Merton Heritage Service.


20 May: Going to the Dogs: Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium. Film screening from Digital Works/Wimbledon in Sporting History.


17 June: Motspur Park 100: A century of Motspur Park Station. Speaker: Toby Ewin. Friends of West Barnes Library.


15 July: Jane Morris: The Pre-Raphaelite Muse. Speaker: John Hawks, Wandle Industrial Museum/Merton Priory Trust.


19 August: Mysteries Solved: A medley of history questions and answers. Speaker: Michael Norman-Smith, Merton U3A.


16 September: V E Day: Memories of Peace (film screening and talk). Speakers: Kate Valentine & Alison Ramsey, Digital Drama.


21 October: From slavery to stardom: The life of boxer, Bill Richmond. Speaker: Sarah Gould, Merton Heritage Service.


18 November: From airships to the Fab Four: The story of Wimbledon Palais. Speaker: Sarah Gould, Merton Heritage Service.