Co-create an expanded version of an underground classic!


Lud-in-the-Mist is a forgotten classic by Hope Mirrlees, an adult fairy tale written in 1926 exploring the need to embrace what we fear and to come to terms with 'the shadows’. 


A book exploring what happens when magic (fairy fruit) begins to find its way back into a well ordered, rigid society that banned it. A reminder of the importance of creativity, embracing change, play, connection and balance.


In a playful, material and embodied way drawing from themes in the novel we will co-create an expanded version of the book to be inserted into the library and the Merton Heritage and local studies centre. 


West Barnes Library  


10th and 24th October, 7th and 21st November



Lucy Steggals is London based visual artist and integrative art psychotherapist with over 20 years’ experience running creative groups / project in collaboration with a diverse group of adults in settings including libraries, museums, galleries, and hospitals including partners such as NHS, Camden Arts Centre, Towner Art Gallery, Hayward Gallery, Turner Contemporary and Whitechapel Gallery.

Artist Web: www.lucysteggals.co.uk/